Scenario - Catching Beauty's Eye

I flipped through Human Sphere at random while making lunch the other day, and I ended up landing on the Neo-Concubinage section.  After giving it a quick re-read, I thought it would be cool to design a scenario around trying to impress one of the most beautiful - and dangerous - socialites the Sphere has to offer.  So, with no further ado...

Ofra Hazara, one of the most famous members of the Neo-Concubinage in the entire Sphere, has recently put herself back on the market.  She has expressed an interest in viewing the activities of certain commanders, but that means your troops had better be on their best behaviour...

Don't let me catch you misbehaving...


Place Ofra in the very centre of the table before all players deploy.  Other models (Infiltrators, Mechanized Deployment, etc.) can deploy as normal, but deployable weapons cannot be deployed within 8" of Ofra.  This restriction applies only during deployment.


Ofra has the following stat-line and abilities.

Mov 4-4
CC 14
BS 12
PH 10
WIP 14
W 1
I-Kohl 3, Sixth Sense 2, 360 Vision, V: Feign Death*
Boarding Shotgun, Nanopulser, Pistol, Knife
* V: Feign Death - as No Wound Incapacitation, but when the unit is finally put below 0W, it stays at 0W and actually loses consciousness (as a normal model without NWI would).  There is no way to take this model below 0W.

At the start of each active player's turn, Ofra wanders around, taking in the sights.  Face the "1" on the deviation template directly towards the middle of the active player's side, and roll 1d20.  Move Ofra her first half (4") towards the second digit rolled.  This movement does not generate AROs.

The reactive player always controls Ofra's AROs.

Certain Skills (listed below) can deny Ofra AROs.  To deny Ofra an ARO against the Threat, Blackmail, or Kidnapping actions, the active player must declare the entire order as if he were declaring a Coordinated Order (without actually gaining any of the benefits of a Coordinated Order).  Ofra cannot declare any AROs against such an order, but other reactive models may.


The game lasts 4 full turns.  The player with the most VP at the end of the four full turns wins.  There are many ways to gain Ofra's favour, and if those don't work, there's always blackmail, threats, kidnapping, or even murder...

Impress: for every Wound a friendly model deals within Ofra's LoF, gain 1 VP.  Only the receiver of the wound must be in Ofra's LoF to count for scoring.  Ofra does not grant Impress VP for being wounded herself.

Threat: A model in base-to-base with Ofra can spend a Short Movement skill to make a normal WIP roll.  If this succeeds, move Ofra her first Mov value (4") directly away from the model.  Ofra does not get an ARO against this action.

Blackmail: A model in base-to-base with Ofra can spend a Short Skill to make a face-to-face WIP roll against Ofra.  If the model succeeds, your opponent loses 1 VP.  A given model can only perform this action once per active turn.  Ofra does not get an ARO against this action.

Kidnapping: A model in base-to-base with Ofra can attempt to synchronize with her as if she were a Civilian model.  Ofra does not get an ARO against this.  Ofra is treated as a Hostile Civilian (-6).  While synchronized, only the player without the synch can score VP for Impress.  Also, while synchronized, Ofra does not move at the start of each active player's turn.  However, if Ofra ends the game synchronized with your model, you score 6 VP.

Murder: If Ofra's Feign Death ability has been triggered by the end of the game, and she is still in Feign Death state, the player that triggered it scores 4 VP.  If Ofra's Feign Death ability has been triggered by the end of the game, and she is no longer in Feign Death state (any player may Medkit/Doctor Ofra - failures do not kill her), then the player who triggered the Feign Death ability in the first place loses 4 VP.


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