Model Review - July

Welcome to July's model review!

Metro HMG

Ranking 8/10
Finally, the Metro HMG is released, and damn does he look good.  This model manages to maintain the relative simplicity of Ariadna models, but combines this simplicity with a rough look that shows the Metro means business.  The pulled-up hood adds that extra aura of menace, too.

The HMG is of a nice scale, and it's even nicer to see a "regular guy" carrying the weapon in both hands.  With all of the one-hand-HMG-toting that's been going on in the Infinity line, I've started to wonder exactly how heavy those things really are.

I've been saying for a while now that I want to get into Merovingia (I'm an Ariadna player at heart), and the Metro HMG might just be the final push I need to throw myself into the sectorial.  Very cool model.

Shaolin Warrior Monks (box)

Ranking 8.5/10
This release is for all those Yu Jing players that had a problem with the old Monks.  These guys look fantastic, and if that weren't enough, they even bring a new loadout to the game!

The first thing to say about these Monks is that they all look cohesive.  While their poses and weapons are varied, it's very easy to tell that they're all part of one military regiment.  They have the characteristic Shaolin robes, but they also look armed for combat.  The older Monks looked, for the most part, like they were handed weapons just as they walked out of the monastery.  Also, I find the addition of staves as CCWs is a really fitting touch for the Monks.

I only have two real problems with this release.  First, where are the female Monks? The blister had a woman in it, and I assume that sexism would have been phased out by now in all but the craziest groups (see Moiras, Riot Grrls).  Second, why does the new release have to be a box?  I know that CB has been putting out Warband boxes (Galwegians, Morlocks, now Monks), but how many people honestly use 4 Warband units in a given list?  I'm betting the number is small.

In any case, the Monks look awesome, and if I find someone to split a box with (or if they end up somehow linking together), I may just pick them up.

Muyib Heavy Rocket Launcher

Ranking 7.5/10
Another new weapon for Haqqislam!  This time it belongs to the Muyibs, those crazy linkable explosive experts in the Hassassin Bahram.  As exciting as the release is, rules-wise, I feel that there's not much to be said about the model except that it shows off a new firearm.  Still, it's a smooth Muyib sculpt in an active pose that isn't too active (i.e. it's not all over the place), and it's carrying a fantastic new gun. Even though there isn't anything super-special about it, it's a nice sculpt and definitely up to Corvus Belli's usual standard.

Riot Grrl Spitfire

Ranking 8.5/10
The new Riot Grrls roar into Nomad lists this month, carrying Spitfires and targeting enemies through MSV1s.  A lot of players were confused about this unit's troop type at first, but after its stats were released, the Riot Grrl fell firmly in the camp of "light heavy infantry".  This is the second HI model in the Nomads line, and it offers an exciting alternative to the usual (but dependable) Mobile Brigada.

At first, I didn't know what to think of the Grrl's armour.  It looks like she's wearing the standard bodysuit with bits of Aleph gear tacked on.  Her pose bugged me, too: it's halfway between "hey there, camera!" and "come get some!", so I wasn't sure exactly what to make of how the "tough girl" fluff applies to the model's overall feel.  After a while, though, she sort of grew on me, and the release of her stats certainly helped matters.  I give her an extra 0.5 in the review if only because she is a brand-new - and very cool - unit.  If I played Nomads, I'd pick one up for sure.

Cadmus-Naish Sheskiin

Ranking 7/10
A Cadmus who successfully Morphoscanned Achilles and got away with it?  Yes please! least, that's what I thought when I heard about the unit.  After seeing her, though, I'm not all that impressed.  It's not that the sculpt is bad, but rather that I feel it's inappropriate in a number of ways.

First, I didn't think that the Shasvastii had gender.  I'm ok with the Speculo Killer looking female because it's his/her/its job to infiltrate enemy lines by looking just like them, so maybe some of the look rubbed off/stuck around/she's in the middle of a change.  Sheskiin, though, is (for some reason) definitely a female model.  It's not even like she Morphoscanned a woman, either.  Where is this female form coming from?

Second, I'm not a fan of the pose.  Sheskiin looks like she belongs in WHFB or some other suitably "epic" game.  If the Shasvastii marched boldly to war, facing the enemy head-on and clubbing in some heads, then Sheskiin might be more appropriate.  As it stands, their entire mode of warfare involves sneaking around, making sure that the enemy almost never sees them, and using terror-tactics to demoralize and destroy.

Anyway, this is one of those few models I'm not a fan of.  She gets the extra 0.5 for being a neat new model, rules-wise, but that's about all I'm willing to concede.


This month we have a tie!  The Riot Grrls and the new Shaolin Monks both take away the prize!  If I had to choose a winner, though, I'd pick the Riot Grrls - but only because they're an entirely new unit and not in a boxed set (not a strain on my wallet!).


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