Scenario - Exalted Above All others

This is an idea I had for a multi-player free-for-all.  We seldom play multiplayer games at my LGS, so I thought this would be a quick and easy way to entice regular players into the cut-throat world of four-player madness.

This scenario was designed for four players, each equidistant from the middle of the board.  Fighting has been going on for some time in this theatre, and troops are weary and in need of medical attention.  Emergency supplies have been called in, but they've landed in no man's land and haven't exactly been configured properly...


Place a marker in the exact middle of the board, equidistant from each player's deployment zone.  This marker does not block LoF, but the medical supplies are heavy and large enough that the market cannot be moved through normally.


Picking up the medical supplies takes a Short Skill.  Any Doctor or Paramedic can pick up the supplies using a Short Movement Skill instead.  Models cannot and will not drop the supplies, as they are too valuable.

The first player to pick up the medical supplies gains 4 VP.
Any player that picks up the medical supplies after the first time gains 3 VP instead of 4.  This is repeatable.
Any player that kills a model holding the medical supplies gains 2 VP.  You cannot kill your own model, even if special rules allow, to gain this VP.  This is repeatable.


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