Scenario - Kidnapping

This is a scenario that I devised a while ago.  An earlier iteration of it exists on the Infinity forums, but this version is updated with the result of some play experience.


Turn Limit: 4 full turns.

Setup: no special setup rules.  Terrain should be thicker than normal to simulate the confined quarters of a facility or base.

Special Rules: leave models in the Unconscious state on the table.  Models can carry Unconscious or Immobilized models (friend or foe) with a successful PH normal roll (short move skill).

  • Carried models end each order anywhere in base-to-base with their carriers;
  • Carried models cannot take any actions;
  • If a carried model leaves Immobilized or Unconscious status, it is immediately dropped (Prone, if it is not a remote) on the spot it currently occupies;
  • If a carrier uses any skill besides a Short Movement Skill, a carried model is dropped (as above);
  • Carried models can be dropped as part of any Short Skill (including Short Movement Skills);
  • The stakes for the battle are high, and everybody knows it.  As a result, models may shoot at friendly Unconscious or Immobilized models.  In order to do so, a model must pass a normal WIP roll to pull the trigger on a comrade.  If the WIP roll fails, the Short Skill is wasted.  Deployable equipment or weaponry (e.g. Mines) can never attack friendly targets.

At the end of every turn, a player gains:
  • +1 VP for each Unconscious or Immobilized enemy model on the table;
  • +1 VP for each Unconscious or Immobilized enemy model on his/her side of the table;
  • +1 VP if there are any Unconscious or Immobilized enemy models in his/her deployment zone.


  1. After playing this scenario, I feel that the ability to shoot friendlies should be removed. It is already tricky to shoot enemies without killing them, and if they can then kill their own men, obtaining VP is difficult.

    A fundamental difference between Infinity and many other games is that Infinity doesn't treat friendlies as another expendable target, and this way that notion can be kept.


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