News regarding posts!

I've been steadily working on a few things despite a busy schedule, and I'm happy to say that my Sophotect unit review will be out this week.  It's the culmination of everything I learned during my Sophotect challenge, so I hope it will be useful for ISS players interested in bringing this fantastic doctor along for the ride.

I've also been toying with the idea of publishing an Infinity serial story, which I've been working on in bits and pieces.  It features a PanOceanian diplomat who is unable to save his daughter from being killed, and so turns to unorthodox sources on the Human Edge to raise the funds for her cube resurrection.  More on this later.

Lastly, I've been working on a scenario idea or two that might see the light of day within the next week, if I have the time.  The unit review and story will come first, though.

All this is just to give you an idea of where we're headed in the next little while.  As always, thanks for reading, and may your dice be way better than mine!


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