
Showing posts from October, 2019

The Devotee of Tezcatlipoca, the Smoking Mirror

The Devotee of Tezcatlipoca is another Ravenous Beyond cult model, but unlike the Disciple of Malphas, she is more than able to sneak around on her own and cause damage behind enemy lines. This article will go through what the Devotee is capable of doing now, along with a quick look at a previous version, and how she might benefit your faction in a game of Pendant World .

The Leakings of Ahul Puh

The Leakings of Ahul Puh is a manifestation of a plague-entity that has reached out through a human corpse in order to spread decay in the world. It craves nothing more than to pull the living to it and dissolve them slowly in its core, rendering reality down to the nothingness it should be, one person at a time. As with other articles, this piece will focus on where the Leakings currently stand in Pendant World , where they came from, and how best you might use them on the table.

Jigoku no Jinmenken

The Jigoku no Jinmenken is a hideous demon-creature made from a corrupted mortal shell still plagued by its sense of lost humanity. It is a hunter, often focusing on a single lonely prey and using its superior strength and durability to bring it down. As with articles on other units (to date, the Thug and the  Disciple of Malphas ), this article will focus on the current state of the Jinmenken, as well as previous iterations and leaders it might excel with in a game of Pendant World .