Scenario - Dirty Bomb

In the midst of a bloody civil war, remote scout units have discovered a buried heap of strange metal just outside a recently-bombed command post.  Rumour has it that the command post was set up to coordinate a dig, and the official presence of Archaeology scholars in the system corroborates this story.

Unfortunately, the command outpost had no survivors, and the remote scouts went offline shortly after discovering the strange metal fragments.  Covert teams have been dispatched by interested parties, in an attempt to recover and investigate.  Many of these teams include a site-engineer or code analyst, to hasten recovery of information regarding the unknown metal.

There is one small problem.  The bomb that was dropped on the command post was dirty, and large amounts of radiation linger in the air and soak into the soil.  This will undoubtedly affect any retrieval teams sent out, and casualties may even occur after the mission has been completed.

Most commanders, however, are willing to take the risk.


Turn Limit: 4 full turns.

Setup: Dig Site objectives should be set up on the table.  A Dig Site is a small token (whatever you might have on hand), and it is placed within 8" of the middle of the table.  Dig Site tokens cannot be placed within 4" of each other.  The configuration may differ from game to game.  Players take turns setting up Dig Site tokens until there is either no more room or until both players agree to pass.

Place two Disabled remotes within 8" of the middle of the table.  These remotes share stats with Yu Jing Weibing (Guardian) remotes.  They are neutral - no player controls them, and they do not belong to any combat group.

Remotes can be activated with a successful Will Normal roll at -3 by a Hacker or Engineer in base-to-base contact.  Once activated, a remote is part of the same combat group as the model that activated it.  If that combat group is full, the remote joins the another combat group with room.  Upon activation, the remote loses Disabled status (it has 1 STR as normal).

Deployment: models cannot deploy or otherwise enter the board within 4" of a Dig Site token or either remote.

Scoring: there are three ways to score points in this scenario.

Any model may interact with a Dig Site token while in base-to-base contact with it.  This is a Long Skill that provokes an ARO.  Interacting with a Dig Site token scores 1 VP.  A player may only interact with a given Dig Site token once in a turn, but a single model can interact with more than one token.

A Hacker or Engineer model may interact with a Dig Site token in the same way, except that it is a Short Skill that provokes an ARO.  Repeaters cannot be used to interact with Dig Site tokens.

Having at least one functional remote (not Disabled, Destroyed, or Immobilized) in one of your combat groups at the end of the game: +2 VP.


Points cannot be scored on the first full round of play.

On their fourth turn, armies go into Tactical Withdrawal due to the imminent radiation poisoning/damage that affects troops and systems.  This is akin to a Retreat state, but it affects all troops, even those with the Religious ability.

At the end of the fourth round (after both players have gone), each model on the table takes a Damage 5 Shock (vs BTS) hit.  No Guts rolls come out of this.  The two remotes that start play as neutral do not take this damage.


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