Tournament Mission 3 - Catch Me If You Can.

A warning about this scenario: because there is a fixed amount of VP available, it is entirely possible to get to a point where one's opponent cannot catch up.  This scenario is designed for tournament play, where scoring as many victory points as possible is important, even if you lose.

Mission 3 – Catch Me If You Can
Turn limit: 4 full turns.

Setup: terrain should have the feel of a large facility.  The centre of the map should have extensive cover, and Selina should be out of LoF of both deployment zones in this cover.  Three terminals should be spread across the centre line (as close as possible), out of LoF of both deployment zones.

Deployment: models cannot deploy or otherwise enter the board within 8” of Selina (Lhost).  Models cannot deploy or otherwise enter the board within 5” of a Terminal.

+1 for each Terminal you reduce to STR 0.
+2 for each Terminal interacted with in base-to-base.

+2 if Synchronized with Selina (Lhost) at the end of the game.
+1 if Selina (Data) is in the possession of one of your models at the end of the game.

Terminals are ARM 4, BTS -6, and STR 2.  They have Total Immunity.

Terminals block LoF but do not provide Cover.

When a Terminal is reduced to STR 0, it is destroyed and removed from the table.

Interacting with a Terminal takes a Long Skill that provokes AROs, and can only be done when a model is in base contact with a Terminal.  Terminals can only be interacted with once Selina (Lhost) is no longer on the table.

When you interact with a Terminal, roll 1d20.  On 16-20, Selina (Data) is in the Terminal.  It is downloaded as part of the Long Order.  Whether Selina (Data) is present or not, the Terminal shuts down and is removed from the table.  If only one Terminal remains, she is automatically in that Terminal and no roll needs to be made.

A model carrying Selina (Data) can pass it to friendly non-marker models in base-to-base using a Short Movement Skill that provokes AROs.  Passing data cannot be done as an ARO.  If a model carrying Selina (Data) enters the Unconscious state and does not have No Wound Incapacitation, Selina jumps to a random functioning Terminal.  If all Terminals have been destroyed, then Selina (Data) remains on the body and can be removed with a short action that provokes AROs.

Selina (Lhost)
Light Infantry
Valour: No Wound Incapacitation, Ghost: Jumper X.

Unlike normal Civilians, Selena (Lhost) may be targeted without penalty.

Ghost: Jumper X
-         If Selina is put into the Dead state, she will jump into one of the functioning Terminals.
-         The destination of this jump is not revealed to the players, and is only revealed when models interact with Terminals.

Selina reacts to any shot that includes her in its area of effect (templates, direct shots) by Dodging directly away from the source of the shot.

Selina reacts to any movement into B2B as a hostile civilian.

To Synchronize with a Civilian, make a normal WIP roll at -6.

If this roll fails, Selina will make a normal CC roll against the model attempting to Synchronize with her.  She deals Damage equal to her PH if this roll is successful.

Models may attempt to Synchronize as often as they wish, limited only by the amount of orders they have remaining.


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