Demo Blurbs - Faction and Rules

People tend to come up to Infinity games-in-progress asking about awesome models.  Then, depending on the person, they start asking about either rules or fluff.  While I see this as a very positive thing, it can sometimes annoy players who are having a very tense game.

I think it's useful for all Infinity groups to have a few introductory blurbs on hand.  Yes, this cuts down on explanation time, but that's not the main reason: having a physical paper to look at helps that subgroup of the human population that consists of visual learners, and it's even better if groups have intro information for potential players to take away with them.

I think there are a number of great intro blurbs out there, but I thought I would pitch my own into the bunch.  My "Factions" blurbs do NOT give away much in terms of crunch, and intentionally so.  My "Introduction to Infinity" is designed to fit on one sheet of paper for takeaway value.

As always, thanks to the OIA for their help in compiling this stuff.



PanOceania - Pampered and used to the highest standard of living, the men and women from Australia/India/Spain+area are armed with the highest tech that the Human Sphere has to offer.

Yu Jing - PanOceania's primary opponent, an Asiatic superpower that develops the best powered armour in the sphere.

Haqqislam - the Enlightened nation of Islam.  Forerunners in medicine and genetic engineering, Haqqislam light units are a force to be reckoned with.

Nomads - The Human Sphere's rebels and freedom-seekers.  Nomads assemble a wide variety of fringe technology and espionage operatives to fight the superpowers of the Sphere.

Ariadna - Isolated settlers sitting on rare supermetal, only recently discovered by the rest of the Sphere.  They make extensive use of camouflage, heavy weapons, and the indigenous alien population to fight the greedy superpowers of the Sphere.

Combined Army - The scouting parties of an alien menace from beyond the Sphere.  They have forces and technology the likes of which the Human Sphere has never seen.

Aleph - Metahumans and advanced remote units who have taken to the field to help combat the Combined Army threat.  They are superhumanly strong and tough, but their numbers are limited.

Introduction to Infinity

Infinity is a game with 28mm metal miniatures that simulates special operations in a science fiction environment with a Manga aesthetic.  The complete game rules and background are found in the INFINITY rulebook, or online at

ARMIES - Average troops range anywhere from 10 to 50 points, but some more powerful units (like mecha) can cost around 100 points.  Short battles can be played with 150-200 point armies, while longer battles can be played with 300+ points.

SWC - In addition to points, some models have a Support Weapons Cost (SWC).  This reflects the drastic expense of using heavier weapons and unusual equipment.  Each army has access to 1 SWC per 50 points of army size.

ROLLS - When resolving an action, a model rolls 1d20 and compares it to the relevant skill on its stat line.  If the roll is lower than the skill’s value, it is a success.  If the roll is higher than the skill’s value, it is a failure.  If the roll is equal to the skill’s value, it is a critical success.

ORDERS - In Infinity, each model contributes one Order to your pool at the start of the turn.  Orders can be used by any model on your side, not just by the model that contributed it.  Each time a player loses a figure, he or she also loses the Order it contributes for the rest of the game.

AUTOMATIC REACTION ORDER (ARO) - In Infinity, your models are actually able to act during your opponent’s turn.  Models with Line of Fire (LOF) to an acting model may respond to the action, with an ARO, by shooting, dodging, or even by using special equipment.  In Infinity, you are always playing!

An ARO is always simultaneous with the Order it reacts to.  A Face to Face roll is required every time the actions of two figures affect each other.

FACE TO FACE ROLL - When two models perform opposing actions (including shooting at each other), both actions are rolled simultaneously.  Whoever rolls the highest successful result cancels the opponent’s action and performs his or her own!

Enjoy the game and feel free to ask the players any questions!


  1. A couple minor nitpicks:

    I don't feel that 200 points is a longer battle. Unless you were just trying to bridge the gap, I think that longer battles start at 250.

    SWC is Support Weapons Cost, and covers special gear in general, not just guns.

  2. Yeah, the comment about 200 points was a gap-bridging relative thing. 150 is short, 200-250 are longer.

    I'll add the SWC comment!


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