April Model Review

Since I skipped over March's minis, I decided that I should get April's review out on time.  Good thing, too, because April is an awesome month for CB fans.

Sun Tze v.2

Ranking 8.5/10
Ah, the long-awaited Sun Tze v.2.  Armed with a Multi Sniper Rifle, this model will strike fear into the hearts of exposed opponents, and give you the awesome power of Strategos 3 as well.

Part of what I both love and hate about this model is his "big game hunter" pose.  Sun Tze v.2 is supposed to be a marksman, and so it makes sense for him to have a very big gun and look very pleased with his latest kill.  Still, I can't help but think that the battlefield is not the time or place for a "check out my trophy and the gun I used to kill it" pose.

That said, CB has not disappointed with the amount of detail on this model.  The robes look fantastic, and the "half-heavy" armour is a very cool touch.  Though I'm not a big fan of the spines, they're definitely iconic for Yu Jing, so it's nice to have them on the Sun Tze's newest incarnation.

Hafza (Spitfire)

Ranking 8.5/10
The Hafza is back, and this time it's armed with an exceptionally lethal weapon.  This model's Holoprojector abilities make it a favourite of many Haqqislam players, and now those players can plonk a real surprise Spitfire on the field.

This model follows the simple-but-imposing look of its predecessor.  It's got a "I'm a Hafza!  I'm here to help!" pose, and the bulky Haqqislam Spitfire will just make enemies tremble when it shows up on the board.  My only real qualm with the model is that I find its pose to be a little awkward when you consider the size of the Hafza's gun, and the fact that it'll probably be firing it while revealing itself from the safety of its Holoprojector.  This sort of pose would, I think, suit a vanilla Hafza better.  Still, great model, and very cool release.

Gwailo (Spitfire)

Ranking 9/10
With the addition of the Spitfire model, Gwailo link teams now have the perfect point-man/thing to throw at the enemy.  This release really boosts the Shasvastii sectorial's firepower, and it's always nice to see a link team finally get its heaviest weapon.

I really like the Gwailo's pose, as it looks like the creature is throwing itself out of the way of harm (or maybe behind its Nanoscreen?).  The Spitfire is imposing but doesn't overpower the model in terms of sheer size, and the detail on the Gwailo itself is - as usual - fantastic.  I find it interesting that my eyes were drawn to the comlog on its left arm, especially in the absence of any other obvious visual frills, which says a lot about the sculptor's ability to work with dimensions and fine detail.

Although my initial response to the Gwailo was fairly lukewarm, I've really warmed up to it, and I think it's easily the strongest individual model for this month.

Druze Shock Troops

Ranking 9/10
With the arrival of the Druze box, CB has successfully made a small unit of soldiers that look unique and menacing!  The lack of a Spitfire is disappointing, but the sculpts included in the box are solid, cohesive, and imposing.

Although the Druze artwork in Human Sphere is amazing, it had me worried that the Shock Team's helmets would make them look like some kind of PanO ripoff.  I shouldn't have worried, though, because the sculptor has given the Druze a distinct look that really makes them feel like a foreign (to PanO, anyway) regiment.

Battle-ready and tournament-viable in Qapu Khalqi (and maybe as generic soldier figures for campaign games?), the Druze storm April in style.

Merovingia Starter

Ranking -/10
I don't think it's fair to give a starter with almost all repeat models a ranking, so I'll skip that and move on to more important things.

First...Woo! Merovingia starter!  It's about time!  The composition of the starter is interesting, and although I find it weird that CB didn't include a Chasseur, the model already exists in the vanilla starter so I won't lose too much sleep over that.  It's nice that the new Zouave was included, and the new arms for the female Moblot sculpt are a cool touch.


Overall, April is a great month for Infinity fans, spoiled only by the fact that two of the releases are boxes (and hence more expensive).  The competition is tight, but the Gwailo comes out this month's winner...barely!


  1. Sun Tze is another ridiculously detailed model from CB. I don't love the Gwailo, but Shasvastii needed that Spitfire so bad.

    The Druze are definitely unique, but not really my style. As for the starter, I'm happy that there are now 4 different Moblot sculpts for that Link Team.


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