Sun Tze v.2 Revisited

I just got my grubby little hands on Sun Tze v.2, and I think that the review I gave him needs some revisiting. Here he is again, in all his glory. When I wrote the review, I had thought that his left hand was on his hip. This made him look silly, and definitely like a big game hunter who had just taken down his kill. I wasn't a fan of this. After opening the blister, though, I saw more clearly that Sun Tze's left hand is actually reaching into a pouch at his waist, ostensibly for more ammo. This takes Sun v.2 from "I just shot a biggun! Check me out!" to "I just put a big hole in that guy way across the field...time to reload." And that just makes him more awesome. (We can chalk his open reloading pose up to sheer badassery, I think...)