Terrain Project - Some Assembly Required!

I had the chance to do some work on my terrain piece this weekend.  The first thing I really wanted to do is get those walls up into something resembling a room.  It doesn't really matter what it looks like yet, as long as four walls are propped up on my base.  Here's what I've got so far.

You might notice the little wooden doohickey next to the door.  That'd be the control panel, and I promise that it'll be prettier once all the paint is on.  I got a number of "control panel" pieces from punch-out dollar store buildings - they're like laser-cut MDF, but they're really really really really bad.  For a buck, though, I got something like 15 potential panels in weird and wonderful shapes.

As for the door, the HDF itself is held in place by a handy bit of foamcore on the inside of the building, seen here:

Basically, it's a little slot that the door can slide into (and out of), whenever players trigger the door controls/achieve the objective requirements.  Here's the door half-open, just for fun:

One of the door "mechanisms" was glued a little tighter than the other, so the above door can actually hang in place (if, for some reason, you'd want a half-open door...).  The other door (not shown here) either slides in or slides out, with no in-between state.  I don't have a picture of it, because it's essentially the same thing.  Once I get some more work done on the structure, I'll take some 360 photos, maybe even a 360 panorama.

Next time, I should have some more panels, piping, and details on the building!  Keep checking back to see the next step in this project!


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