Model Review - June

I know that I neglected (read: failed) to do a model review last month, but hopefully that won't happen again.  I also know that I may seem a bit judgemental this month, but in my defence, nothing particularly exciting (besides maybe the Devas) was released.  As always, enjoy and feel free to disagree!


Ranking 7.5/10
The Dozer was spoiled a bit early, but I don't think any Ariadna players are complaining.  Not only do they (finally) get the control device for the Traktor Mul, but they also get a badass-looking engineer.

While the Dozer's pose doesn't look all that inspired, it's actually rather appropriate that the Dozer just stand there, hand on his control device.  After all, the Dozer isn't supposed to be running around and shooting things with his Rifle; he's supposed to be making sure that stuff works properly and that the Traktors are carpet-bombing the snot out of the enemy.  It's a great model, and definitely of the quality we've come to expect from Corvus Belli, but it's still rather plain in look and pose.


Ranking 6.5/10
PanO gets its baggage remotes this month, and they happen to be beetle look-alikes!  From comments on the Infinity forums, it seems like a fair number of people don't like the bug aesthetic, but it fits fairly well with PanO's bug-like visors and with the baggage remotes we've seen so far.  The Yu Jing baggage remotes resemble something out of Starship Troopers, after all, so why not keep going with the insect theme?

That aside, the Mulebots don't look like anything super-special.  They're solid, but there's only so much you can do with a remote.  Good sculpts, but not really dynamic.  I didn't want to rank them because the possible sculpts and positions are limited by the model type, but in the end I just went with it and gave it a score anyway.


Ranking 8/10
It's the long, long, long-awaited resculpt!  The new Daktari model is purdy, definitely fits in with the newer Nomad aesthetic, and is most definitely not a catgirl.

On her own, she's nothing tremendously special.  It looks like her pose was inspired by Bakunin's own Avicenna, so maybe the Daktari has been taking lessons from the superior healer.  Sure, she's carrying a bag instead of a knife, but that's just how she rolls.  In terms of looks, she looks...well...almost civilian, but that's ok too.  I'd have normally ranked her at a 7 or 7.5, but the anticipation of this release is enough to warrant that 8.

For those who are wondering, I've included the support pack release here only because it's basically a re-release of existing models except for the new Daktari.  I don't think I'll be ranking support packs in the future, unless they include a brand-new model.


Ranking 7.5/10
I really like the Power Glove and "come and get it" pose of the new Malignos.  I have to admit, though: I thought that the uber-advanced Combined Army would have hacking devices a little more sophisticated than "space-age" visors that might have come out of a 60s cereal box.

That, and the fact that the Combi-Rifle looks like it's about to fly out of this model's hand.  If it weren't for those two things, I'd rank the Malignos pretty damn high.  As it stands, these little quirks put it about even with the plain ol' Dozer.

Devas and Devabots

Ranking 9/10
As anticipated as the Daktari resculpt (at least in intensity, if not time), the Devas and their bots roar onto the scene in June.  Although the Devabots look a little clunky, the Devas themselves look great.  The female is a bit static, but the male is clearly in the middle of a "taste my Nanopulser" gesture of good-will.  I'm ok with the bots being the little clunkers they are, too, because they're inferior to Dakini Tacbots, which are nice and sleek.  All in all, I'd normally give the Devas and their bots around 8.5, but the sheer desire that Aleph players have had for these models definitely bumps them up.

This month, Aleph takes the prize with its long-anticipated Deva/Devabot release!


  1. Yeah, I can't wait to put in my order for the Devas and Devebots for my Aleph.

    I just wonder if the Devabots are going to be a pain to put together...

  2. They look like they are fairly similar to the I'd say yes xD


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