January Model Review

Model reviews are probably going to be a regular thing, as a number of us in the Ottawa gaming community get together and discuss new releases just 'cause.  These discussions get my analytical mind working, so without further ado...

Tokusetsu Butai

Ranking 8/10
There has been some dispute about this model's bulk, but I have no issue with it.  The Tokusetsu is, after all, a field doctor and engineer, so he needs to be protected against elements like wind, rain, and rampant fire.  If you look at the Tokusetsu closely, you'll see that he's not wearing more armour than his Keisotsu brethren - just thicker clothing.  And hey...he might just be a bigger person in the first place.  People aren't exactly uniform height and weight, even in the future.

While some say that the Tokusetsu's helmet is obnoxious, I think it's a great shout-out to Japanese emergency workers, especially after the recent catastrophe in that part of the world.  The entire model screams "ready for anything", from the helmet to the thicker clothing, from the backpack to the toolbelt.  Even his pose - the "someone need help?  I'm in a hurry!" look - is neat, though I would have preferred his gun to be slung on his back or something, if only to emphasize the rescue worker aspect of the mini.  I'm also not entirely sure why his hakama sports rivets...

Overall, a solid model, especially because it finally lets the JSA run a doctor/engineer.

Zerat Sniper

Ranking 9/10
The Combined Army gets just a little more cheesecake in the Zerat release this month.  The Sniper has generated a lot of talk about alien cup size, but I don't think it's worth more than a mere mention - after all, we know the Morats reproduce, and we can guess that they're a fair bit like us in that regard.  After all, they don't poop out Seed-Embryos for their new young, do they?

At any rate, the Zerat Sniper model works on a number of interesting levels.  Yes, she's a hot sniper, and that appeals to a lot of people.  Her distinctively femininized appearance helps to reinforce the idea that the Zerat unit is an all-female unit, while her casual air expresses a feeling of power that just hasn't been used yet.  Unlike some other models in the line, the Zerat isn't overly sexualized, so we get a nice blend of sexy and powerful without feeling like it's forced.  And hey, she's wearing flat boots with individual toes, not heels...that's got to count for something, right?

At the same time as the Zerat is clearly female, her mask reminds us that she is also clearly alien.  We can't see beneath it, and I don't know about you, but this makes me instantly assume something Predator-esque.  At the very least, this model is faceless (no skin showing, either), and that makes it just a bit more alien.

I'm a fan of the Zerat Sniper's pose if only because I've recently had a lot of trouble putting snipers up against cover.  Long rifle barrels limit how models stand against cover, and while I usually like aiming poses, they tend to be a pain when it comes to snipers.  The Zerat has an impressive rifle, and it's shouldered in a way that shows it off without making it obtrusive.

I have to admit, though...I have no idea what the long folds coming out of her bag are supposed to be.  I see what the lines of the bag are doing, filling out that space and emphasizing her hip, but I'm still a bit confused.  Overall, though, a great model.

Al Hawwa' Sniper

Ranking 7.5/10
The Al Hawwa' Sniper helps to flesh out the unofficial "Month of the Sniper", giving Haqqislam a infiltrating camo model with a sniper rifle, a regular order, and flat-bottomed boots.  Like the Zerat Sniper, the Al Hawwa is a distinctly feminized model (bare midriff, one-hip pose, impractically long hair), but she isn't as over-sexualized as a lot of other models are.  Stylized heels and miniskirts are great and all, but it's nice to see CB taking a more practical approach.

I like the Man in the Iron Mask look, but there's something about her hairline that makes it look a little too bulky.  It might just be the way her hair is swept up on the left side of her head, but it looks a bit off.  While she's got the same casual air as the Zerat (so her sniper rifle won't get in the way when I want to park her in cover), her pose is a lot more like "oh captain, I didn't see you there.  Yes, I do indeed have a rifle".  I don't have an issue with its semi-static nature, but it makes her look more like she's posing for a picture than waiting for her next order.

Last month, I talked about how the Zero's palmed D-Charge was a great touch on an already decent-looking model.  CB has obviously taken a page from the same book with the Al Hawwa', as she's got a nice bag of mines lying at her feet, ready for use.  This is, I think, the first time we actually see what mines look like, which is another cool feature about this model.


Ranking 7-9.5/10
The posthumans come in a box, so there's lots to say about the three different models that have shown up this month.  First thing's first, though: this box actually makes a lot of sense.  With an increasing call for WYSIWYG among new Infinity players (something I don't necessarily agree with), CB has decided to include two Proxy 1 models so that buyers can have both a hacker and a doctor on hand.  The box contains all three Proxy types, making this a one-shot purchase.

On to the models.  My ranking differs wildly because there are three/four different models in the box, so I'll take them one at a time.  Let's start with Proxy 1, because why not?

Proxy 1 is, to my mind, the ugliest of the three.  That said, she's a model-in-motion, and the motion isn't a bad one.  Posthumans are said to be able to process information at a ridiculous rate compared to their human counterparts, so performing a hacking action in mid-stride isn't unreasonable.  The hexagon-patterned sleeves obviously mark her as an Aleph model, and she bears a close resemblance to the Posthuman artwork in the Human Sphere book.  My one real issue with this model is her face: if the model is in mid-leap or mid-run, then why is she looking in another direction entirely?  She isn't facing the direction she's running in, but she's also not facing her hacking interface.  It looks as though this problem might be corrected on the doctor Proxy, but I'd have to see the model to be sure.  For now, Proxy 1 gets a 7 - she's good, but nothing special by CB standards.

Proxy 2 is a different bag altogether. The skull-like mask is menacing, the pose is relaxed but ready, and the sniper rifle is not in my way when I try to park the Proxy in cover.  I don't quite like the way Proxy 2 is actually holding the rifle - it's not really resting, it's not really ready to be fired - but I'm willing to live with it for the rest of the model.  The barricade is a small bonus, and while the Proxy 2 makes a better show piece because of its pose, it would still look solid on the table.  For now, Proxy 2 gets an 8.5.

Proxy 3 is my favourite.  This may differ wildly from popular opinion, but I think her "I'm coming for you" dancer's pose (4th position, if I remember correctly) is intimidating and graceful.  Her gun is obviously something to fear, and her armour gives her curves (and techno-garters) while obviously looking like good protection.  I know that there has been some issue with her bizarre-looking headgear, but it reminds me of Xenosaga's KOS-MOS, and that's a good thing.  Whatever the little drooping antennae are, they don't seem to be in the way.  For now, the Proxy 3 gets a 9.5.  I really like this model, and it's starting to tempt me to play Aleph...

Despite the fierce competition this month, Proxy 3 comes away as the winner!


  1. I'm pretty sure the Zero is carrying Mines, not D-Charges, because that would make a lot more sense. He even has the correct number of them (three).

    The Posthumans are a pretty weird bunch. For me, it'll come down to how they look in person.

  2. You're right on the Zero - sorry about that! :)

    I'm with you on the Posthumans, Murm. The ranking I've given them is based on the 360 images alone, but seeing their models might change that.


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