The Sophotect Challenge - 1

I was out with a number of local Infinity players at the LGS today when the topic of the Sophotect came up.  "She's so good!" was the general consensus, but none of the Aleph players seemed to run her.  How could they know how good she was if she's never even hit the table?  Then the ugly truth came out:

"[We don't run her because] the Sophotect is actually better in the ISS..."  Huh.

As an ISS player, I've taken this declaration as a challenge.  I am going to put aside all of my painting and haul my Sophotect out of hiding.  I'm going to paint her up, and then I'll use her in each and every ISS list I make for the next month after she's done.

I'm hoping this'll inspire the Aleph players here to bring out their own Sophotects.  Let the games begin.


  1. That's not exactly how I feel about it. She's obviously better in REM heavy Aleph than in ISS. It's just that she's much easier to fit into an actual list when playing ISS.

    Anyway, I look forward to seeing your progress.

  2. That's fair. I'm just using broad strokes of the pen to get a feel for the reaction as a whole!


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