Tohaa Journey - Stage 1

After some careful deliberation about my third faction (I've been agonizing over this for a while, because there's a lot of stuff I like from other factions), I've decided to go for the Tohaa Trigon.  They're new and shiny, that's true, but I also wanted the chance to collect a faction from the very start.  I'll be posting a record of my Tohaa journey here, piece by piece.  It'll include purchases, unboxing, assembly, painting, and just random thoughts on the newest faction of Infinity.

The Tohaa promise to be very interesting.  We can already see that they get Viral weaponry instead of Multi weaponry, and they also seem to have access to some weird grenades (Swarm Grenades).  On top of all this, some of the Tohaa wear a symbiotic creature of some kind, supposedly pumping up their stats while the creature is still alive.

I've thrown up the concept art for the Tohaa starter for both your reference and mine.  With luck, I'll be able to grab the starter as soon as it comes out in October!  Following that, more images, more speculation, and more aliens! 

The Kamael (Light Infantry)
Sakiel (Medium Infantry?)

Clipsos (Skirmisher?)
Ectros (Heavy Infantry?)


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