Tohaa Journey - Stage 2

I recently took a two-week trip to visit family in Toronto, and while I was there, I stopped by at Meeplemart . Steve, the owner, is always very friendly and helpful, and I was able to find what I wanted in no time. I picked up a small armful of Infinity models (including a Metro HMG and the Yaoxie remotes), but I also managed to find a pack of bases for my upcoming Tohaa army. Most blisters of bases only came with 5-6 bases, which made me a bit hesitant because I don't really want to place an order/visit Toronto every time I need new bases for my army. The Hitech bases I found, though, came in a pack of ten. Most of the other bases were also either very generic (jungle, sandstone, etc.) or 40k-themed (skulls skulls skulls!), so I was relieved to find a set of regular "ship floor" set. Hitech normally makes a lot of 40k-esque stuff, but I was lucky enough to get a hold some more generic bases. They're of reasonably high-quality, and there w...